How To Get An Event To You... (Five Simple Steps)

Step 1 - Decide if you want an ADULT seminar, or both an Adult and Children's event.
Step 2 - Choose a suitable date for your event. While they can be at any time, experience has taught us it is best to start on Sunday morning. By starting on Sunday morning you use the least advertising to obtain the best attendance.
Step 3 - Decide if you want 2 sessions, 3 sessions, 4 sessions or more. Realize, there is no "fluff" in the seminar, there's no "fat" to be taken out. The more time we have, the more we teach and the more impacting and challenging it will be in the lives of your people and the future of your church. We can do "more" or "less" - but your decision WILL impact the degree of life-change that takes place during our time together.
Step 4 - Choose suitable times and a schedule for your seminar. We've found that the best schedule gives 40-50 minutes in the morning service followed by 1, 2 or 3 more 1-hour sessions. They may be done after lunch and through the afternoon or 2-hours on Sunday evening and 2 more hours on Monday evening. (So we don't wear out your people, we plan a short break between sessions.) Each session requires a full 50-60-minutes of actual teaching time. (Note: I don't encourage a lot of music or announcements during this time.)
Note: I'm happy to meet any schedule that will work best for your church, but experience shows that those who start on some day other than the usual main worship service - will result in some people who miss the first session and come later saying, "Oh, if I'd known it was going to be good, I'd have tried to come earlier." - But, by then, it's too late and they won't have the foundation to build on.
Step 5 - Submit your chosen dates and schedule to me via e-mail: (See Seminar Application form below). We'll check our calendar to see if we can work out the dates and times you have chosen.
Application For The Live Event

Copy and Paste the information below -
Fill in the details and send it in an e-mail to: [email protected].
Church/Organization Name: __________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________________________ State: _____________________ Zip: _______________________
Office Phone: ______________________ Other Phone:
Name: _______________________________ Phone: ____________________
We would like to host the following seminars:
_______ Adult Seminar
_______ Children's Seminar
Your Dates & Seminar Schedule:
Preferred Date(s) ______________________
2nd Date Choice ______________________
3rd Date Choice ______________________
Do you need help making a schedule?
What airport is best for us to use? _____________________________________
When should I (we) plan on arriving? _____________________________
When should I (we) plan on leaving? _____________________________
Do you have any other meetings you would like us to do while we are there? (Pastors, Staff, Elders or even with other churches? Do you need help?
Who will be my main contact person? ___________________________________________________________
Their home phone: _________________________________
Their work phone: _________________________________
Their cell phone: _________________________________
Best e-mail for contact: _____________________________
Are there any special concerns, questions or information I need to be aware of? _______________________________________________
2665 N Atlantic Ave Box 357, Daytona Beach, FL 32118 | [email protected]
Creative Ways To Enhance Your Event

Here are some great things that other creative people have come up with to help make your seminar a GREAT time together.
Of course, we encourage you to come up with your own genius guidelines and streams of creativity, but feel free to borrow some of these suggestions or use them for igniting your own ideas!
Feel free to download free bulletin inserts - available just click: Bulletin Inserts
3 Dog Night Menu - (an allusion a music group by that name from the 1970's).
Think creatively - maybe serve a menu consisting of 3 dogs:
* Corn Dog. * Chili Dog. * Cheese Dog
The Pet Shop Snack Bar- A church set up their snack tables using the following:
* A plastic dog dish to hold cookies/crackers
* The cookies were "graham crackers" shaped like dog-bones.
* They used rubber ink stamps shaped as cat paws and dog paws and put them all over the paper tablecloths.
What I Will Need...

My needs will be quite simple for our time of ministry together...
I'll bring a laptop computer and will use PowerPoint. Preferably, the laptop should be up front with me so I use it as a monitor and have access to it throughout the presentation. We may need exceptions to this.
Other things I'll need:
1) An electrical power source up front if my laptop will be with me;
2) If you have a projector - then, I need to be able to tap into it from up front;
If you don't have one - or if I can't tap into it - I'll bring my own, but that will mean we need a small table to set it on;
3) We'll need a blank wall or LARGE screen on which to project the presentation;
4) I move around a lot and use my hands for emphasis, so some kind of lapel, wireless microphone might be necessary;
5) I have sound files in my computer to play during the presentation so I will need to tap into your sound system;
6) I'll be bringing resources for a book table. It will be helpful to have a table (preferably 6-8 feet long) AND A VOLUNTEER(s) to run
the resource table during the break(s) and after the session(s).