The Book...
Cat and Dog Theology is the famous “Cat and Dog Theology” seminar in book form! Whatever you saw in the seminar, you’ll get in the book, and more!
It covers the basics of Cat and Dog Theology, the Eight Dangers (plus more dangers!) and then goes into new material such as “Redefining Life in terms of God’s Glory” and “Bringing God His Greatest Glory”!
If you’ve seen the seminar, you’ve only seen half of the material.
In the last chapters, you’ll find an amazing discovery which, at first, seems to contradict the seminar but in the end, all makes sense. And that is: “It’s all about you!”. Get the book and find out how “It’s NOT about you” and “It IS about you!”
Price: $15
------------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 -----------------------------------
The Study Guide...
This study guide is designed as a companion for the Cat and Dog Theology
book and can be used by individuals reading the book or as an aid for leaders
to facilitate discussion in a small group study of the book.
Price: $8
------------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ----------
2-pk DVD Set
This 2-DVD set includes 4 sessions on CatnDog Theology, all presented by Dr Robison.
If you were in one of the seminars or Perspective's Mission classes, this is what you saw... plus a lot more!
Great way to take Dr Robison home with you and you don't even have to feed him!
Or - if you haven't seen the seminar, this is a great way to get the teaching!
Price: $20
------------------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904)874-6706 -------------------------------------------
If you were in one of the seminars or Perspective's Mission classes, this is what you saw... plus a lot more!
Great way to take Dr Robison home with you and you don't even have to feed him!
Or - if you haven't seen the seminar, this is a great way to get the teaching!
Price: $20
------------------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904)874-6706 -------------------------------------------
DVD for Small Groups
Now in DVD form, Cat and Dog Theology! Perfect for Sunday Schools, Home Groups, and personal Bible study. Cat and Dog Theology is in eight 45-minute segments designed to help you see the difference between a God-centered theology and a people-centered theology.
This DVD is filled with more than just teaching...
It also contains small group activities, study questions and more...
All your group leader needs to know is how to run the DVD player.
Professionally produced, this creative series includes “talking” cats and dogs, “Cat Hymns”, small group discussion questions, presented by teachers from around the world!
You’ll also learn why God is a jealous God and learn the difference between “Help Me” prayers and “Cause Me” prayers. Ask the Lord if He would have you purchase this series! (Available only in DVD.)
Price: $20
--------------------------------- Order by calling: (904)874-6706 ----------------------------------------
This DVD is filled with more than just teaching...
It also contains small group activities, study questions and more...
All your group leader needs to know is how to run the DVD player.
Professionally produced, this creative series includes “talking” cats and dogs, “Cat Hymns”, small group discussion questions, presented by teachers from around the world!
You’ll also learn why God is a jealous God and learn the difference between “Help Me” prayers and “Cause Me” prayers. Ask the Lord if He would have you purchase this series! (Available only in DVD.)
Price: $20
--------------------------------- Order by calling: (904)874-6706 ----------------------------------------
Small Group Workbooks
Here are all the notes you need to follow along with the DVD and to enhance the teaching.
These notes go along with the Cat and Dog Theology DVD series!
Now you don't have to take short hand notes. Just sit back, relax, and follow along in the notes. Blank spaces are in the notes (with the answers at the bottom of each page) to help reinforce the material!
We suggest one workbook for each person in the small group.
Price: $8 each
-------------------------------- Order by calling: (904)874-6706 -----------------------------------
The MP3 ...
This is the MP3 version of the four-hour Unveiling Life's Purpose audio series.
It contains the material found in the Cat and Dog Theology book and DVD series.
It also has notes that can be printed from your computer.
Price: $20
----------------------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ------------------------------------------------
It contains the material found in the Cat and Dog Theology book and DVD series.
It also has notes that can be printed from your computer.
Price: $20
----------------------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ------------------------------------------------
The CD...
This is the same as the MP3 version... on in CD.
Take it with you in your car...
Listen at home...
Price: $20
------------------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 -----------------------------------------------
Take it with you in your car...
Listen at home...
Price: $20
------------------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 -----------------------------------------------
YOU Want To Teach It Yourself?
You Teach Series - "Cat n Dog Theology
Is life about us or is life about God? Does God live for us or do we live for God? They can both sound so Christian, but there is a huge difference. It all depends upon whether your Christianity is people-centered or God-centered. Cat and Dog Theology will guide you to teach the differences between the two--bringing about a significant change in your audience while making them laugh all along the way! You'll love teaching this one and you'll be amazed at how people's lives change!
This simplified verson of "Cat and Dog Theology" contains over 250 ready-to-use Microsoft PowerPoint slides plus notes (both in .pdf format) that will help you teach this material!
Price: $10
-------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ----------------------------------------
Is life about us or is life about God? Does God live for us or do we live for God? They can both sound so Christian, but there is a huge difference. It all depends upon whether your Christianity is people-centered or God-centered. Cat and Dog Theology will guide you to teach the differences between the two--bringing about a significant change in your audience while making them laugh all along the way! You'll love teaching this one and you'll be amazed at how people's lives change!
This simplified verson of "Cat and Dog Theology" contains over 250 ready-to-use Microsoft PowerPoint slides plus notes (both in .pdf format) that will help you teach this material!
Price: $10
-------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ----------------------------------------
You Want To Teach It Yourself?
You Teach Series - "The Missing Half of the Bible" (Missions)
a.k.a. - "The Story of the Bible"
In these four lectures, we get very practical. In the first lecture, we discuss "How we can miss God's will for our lives." The second is titled: "God's love for Internationals!" The third will have you teaching "Am I Called into Missions?" In the final lecture, you'll be helping people find "Four Practical Ways To Be Involved In God's Global Glory Strategy." Don't teach part one without teaching part two!
This simplified version of "The Missing Half" contains over 250 ready-to-use Microsoft Powerpoint slides plus notes (both in .pdf format) that will help you teach this material!
Price: $10
--------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ---------------------------------------
You Want To Teach It Yourself?
You Teach Series - The Story of the Bible (Missions)
Have you ever taught the Bible as one book, with one introduction, one story and one conclusion? Now you can. Based on the book "Unveiled At Last" this powerful teaching allows you to help believers see their Bible in a whole new way--with a cohesive theme running the entire way through it. You'll also discover how this blends God's greatest glory together with our greatest joy. You'll be teaching: "The Story and Your Role In It," "Pursing His Greatest Glory and Your Greatest Joy," "Israel; the Great Commission Nation, Your Church; the Great Commission Church," and "Jesus; the Great Commission Messiah, You; A Great Commission Person."
This simplified version of "The Story of the Bible" contains over 250 ready-to-use Microsoft Powerpoint slides plus notes (both in .pdf format) that will help you teach this material!
Price: $10
------------------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ------------------------------------------------
You Teach It Yourself
You Teach Series - A Cat and Dog Look At the Cross
Cats and Dogs view the cross very differently. A Cat says, "Jesus left the Father's glory for me! He suffered for me! He died for me! He's going back to heaven to build mansions for me! Wow, I must be what God lives for." whereas a Dog says, "Jesus left the Father's glory to reveal His Father's glory. He suffered for His Father's glory. He died for His Father's glory. He's going back to build mansions for His Father's glory. Wow, Jesus lives for the Father's glory." With these two different views of the cross, they draw two different conclusions. A Cat says, "Since Jesus suffered for me, I don't have to suffer." A Dog says, "Since Jesus suffered for the Father's glory, He's left me an example that I should be willing to suffer for the Father's glory as well."
This simplified version of "A Cat and Dog Look at the Cross" contains over 250 ready-to-use slides in pdf form (created in PowerPoint) that will help you teach this material in three lessons (with a bonus lesson added!)! It contains slides, notes, a memory picture, and an audio demonstrating how you can teach it.
Price: $10
------------------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ------------------------------------------------
Home School Curriculum
Cat and Dog Theology is now ready for homeschoolers and private schools. The curriculum is 505 pages in length and full color all the way through!
It has 90 lessons and is to be done over 30 weeks. It includes readings from "Cat and Dog Theology" and "Cat and Dog Prayer". Along with the readings, there are quizzes, personal application, Bible studies, cartoons, an ongoing story with two teenagers, and a final exam! Best of all, parents love it and love to see how it is changing their students heart to learn how to live passionately for the glory of God!
The kit includes the following items plus FREE shipping:
*Homeschool Curriculum Workbook
*Answer Key
*Cat & Dog Theology book
*Cat & Dog Prayer book
*YouTeach3 - Cat & Dog Theology PowerPoint CD
PRICE: $119.99
Extra Workbooks: $64.99
------------------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ------------------------------------------------
Home School Curriculum: Year 2
- Our second year’s material, "RG3: Revealing God’s Greatest Glory", starts to give students a vision for taking God’s glory to the nations. It helps them see that God’s greatest glory will shine when there are people from every ethnic group worshiping God!
They’ll discover the “Story of the Bible” as opposed to Bible stories! They’ll read their Bibles in a whole new way as they see God’s intent to spread His glory to people from every ethnic group! (This material has completely changed adult lives as well!)
In this year’s study, students will also go through PALOGI lessons: Planning A Life Of Global Impact. Here, they’ll map out the next 8-12 years of their lives seeing what it would take to actually get them to impact nations for God’s glory!
The books God’s Bottom Line and A Cat and Dog Look At the Cross are used as the resources along with the workbook itself.
The kit includes the following items:
Homeschool Curriculum Workbook
Answer Key
God's Bottom Line book
A Cat and Dog Look at the Cross book
YouTeach3 - RG3: Revealing God's Greatest GloryPowerPoint CD
- PRICE: $119.99
Extra Workbooks: $59.95
- --------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 --------------------------------------
101 Differences Between Cats & Dogs
They’ll discover the “Story of the Bible” as opposed to Bible stories! They’ll read their Bibles in a whole new way as they see God’s intent to spread His glory to people from every ethnic group! (This material has completely changed adult lives as well!)
In this year’s study, students will also go through PALOGI lessons: Planning A Life Of Global Impact. Here, they’ll map out the next 8-12 years of their lives seeing what it would take to actually get them to impact nations for God’s glory! The books God’s Bottom Line and A Cat and Dog Look At the Cross are used as the resources along with the workbook itself. The kit includes the following items:
Homeschool Curriculum Workbook
Answer Key
God's Bottom Line book
A Cat and Dog Look at the Cross book
YouTeach3 - RG3: Revealing God's Greatest GloryPowerPoint CD
Extra Workbooks: $59.95
Want to know how Cat Christians and Dog Chrisitans differ?
Want to know how each reacts in the same situation?
Here's 101 cartoons that can highlight for you and your children just what those differences are like!
All 101 cartoons in high resolution (2288x1700px) jpg format for pastors and teachers to use in teaching Cat and Dog Theology!
Price: $15
------------------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 -------------------------------------------
Want to know how each reacts in the same situation?
Here's 101 cartoons that can highlight for you and your children just what those differences are like!
All 101 cartoons in high resolution (2288x1700px) jpg format for pastors and teachers to use in teaching Cat and Dog Theology!
Price: $15
------------------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 -------------------------------------------
Because He Liked It...
101 Glimpses of God's Glory In The Animal World
The Bible unmistakably says that God made all things by His will. That doesn't mean He worked up a lot of "will power" each time He created something. Instead it refers to His will and desire. It could just as eaily be translated, "Because He Liked it'.
Within the realm of creation, God has surrounded us with a mulititude of things that should make us marvel and sit in a state of wonder as we contemplate His creativity. Each animal has some incredibly unique attributes that reflect the glory of God. So why did He make them? -- Because He Liked It!
This will be a great tool for both adults and children. Drawn in a cartoon style, but with narration that catches the attention of all ages. With every page turning, the reader will find themselves saying "I didn't know that!"
Consider it for Christian schools, Home-schools, reprinting in your bulletins/newsletters (yes, we'll let you do that). It's also great as a "bathroom reader" or just plain old reading fun!
Why did God make a rhinosaurus? - Because He liked it.
Why did God make the giraffe with that long neck - and then insist on it spreading his front legs apart before he gets a drink of water? - Because He liked it.
Why did God make some animals that don't drink water at all? Because He liked it.
Why does one variety of fish dangle a light-bulb in front of its head? Because He liked it.
Why did God make male whales to sing the same song together? Because He liked it.
Why do buzzards eat more weight in food than what they can fly with? Why did God want them to stay around the "dinner table" before leaving? - Because He liked it.
Price: $10 - (Actual page below)
Within the realm of creation, God has surrounded us with a mulititude of things that should make us marvel and sit in a state of wonder as we contemplate His creativity. Each animal has some incredibly unique attributes that reflect the glory of God. So why did He make them? -- Because He Liked It!
This will be a great tool for both adults and children. Drawn in a cartoon style, but with narration that catches the attention of all ages. With every page turning, the reader will find themselves saying "I didn't know that!"
Consider it for Christian schools, Home-schools, reprinting in your bulletins/newsletters (yes, we'll let you do that). It's also great as a "bathroom reader" or just plain old reading fun!
Why did God make a rhinosaurus? - Because He liked it.
Why did God make the giraffe with that long neck - and then insist on it spreading his front legs apart before he gets a drink of water? - Because He liked it.
Why did God make some animals that don't drink water at all? Because He liked it.
Why does one variety of fish dangle a light-bulb in front of its head? Because He liked it.
Why did God make male whales to sing the same song together? Because He liked it.
Why do buzzards eat more weight in food than what they can fly with? Why did God want them to stay around the "dinner table" before leaving? - Because He liked it.
Price: $10 - (Actual page below)
------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 -------------------------------
Crocs Eat Rocks...
Another 101 Glimpses of God's Glory In The Animal World
This book is like the one above, "Because He Liked It" -- just more fun, odd,
strange, weird animals God made to show off His creativity and glory!
Neither book is better than the other... we just had so many to share, we needed
two books!
By the way, did you know that "Crocs eat rocks?" -- They do!
There are 3 good reasons God wanted them to do that. Can you guess what they are?
With every turn of the page we hear people saying, "I didn't know that!"
It's for both, kids and adults (it's a great "bathroom reader"!!)
And, it's a terrific tool for Homeschoolers too!
Price: $10 - Actual page below
strange, weird animals God made to show off His creativity and glory!
Neither book is better than the other... we just had so many to share, we needed
two books!
By the way, did you know that "Crocs eat rocks?" -- They do!
There are 3 good reasons God wanted them to do that. Can you guess what they are?
With every turn of the page we hear people saying, "I didn't know that!"
It's for both, kids and adults (it's a great "bathroom reader"!!)
And, it's a terrific tool for Homeschoolers too!
Price: $10 - Actual page below
------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 -----------------------------------
"Because He Liked It" and "Crocs Eat Rocks" - in COLOR
This CD contains ALL the pictures from both books above... all in PDF format.
You can use them any way you like... Sunday School, Homeschool, public school, sermon illustrations...
All the pictures...
All the information...
All the color...
Price: $15
---------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ------------------------------------
"Because He Liked It" and "Crocs Eat Rocks" - In Black/White
Make your own coloring books...
Teach any of the animals while children color in the pages...
Us it in Sunday School, Children's Church, VBS and more...
Price: $15
---------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ---------------------------------
The Glory of God in Nature - (Bob Sjogren)
Could it be that God's glory is all around us and we just don't know it?
Join Bob in a one-hour session about the glory of God in nature. This audio CD includes notes
and a quiz that you can take on your computer.
As well as a slide show of photos of nature to lead you to worship God in a new way.
Price: $10
Join Bob in a one-hour session about the glory of God in nature. This audio CD includes notes
and a quiz that you can take on your computer.
As well as a slide show of photos of nature to lead you to worship God in a new way.
Price: $10
-------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ------------------------------------
Cat & Dog Prayer
When we first become believers, our natural tendency is still to be self-absorbed,
especially in how we pray. As a result, our prayers are more of a laundry list
that revolves around "us" and our needs and comfort.
Because God rarely answers these kinds of prayers, many of us quickly give up on
praying, believing that God doesn't answer prayer. As a result, we end up
checking in from time to time making sure He knows we're there and reminding Him
of our needs - hoping He'll do something about them.
Cat and Dog Prayer will help move you from self-centered prayers to God-focused prayers. You'll
learn how to pray, as the authors show:
This book will change the way you pray. It is a natural outflow of Cat and Dog Theology, also written by Bob and Gerald.
Price: $15
especially in how we pray. As a result, our prayers are more of a laundry list
that revolves around "us" and our needs and comfort.
Because God rarely answers these kinds of prayers, many of us quickly give up on
praying, believing that God doesn't answer prayer. As a result, we end up
checking in from time to time making sure He knows we're there and reminding Him
of our needs - hoping He'll do something about them.
Cat and Dog Prayer will help move you from self-centered prayers to God-focused prayers. You'll
learn how to pray, as the authors show:
- How to pray prayers that God wants to answer?
- How you've been given a "Blank Check" by God?
- The six reasons why God says "Wait",
- The four reasons why God says "No",
- How to pray "Cause Me Prayers" releasing the Holy Spirit completely in your life, and
- How you need to be careful about what you pray about - because it can be the very thing that takes you away from God himself!
This book will change the way you pray. It is a natural outflow of Cat and Dog Theology, also written by Bob and Gerald.
Price: $15
-------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 --------------------------------------
A Dog's Tale:
An allegory on what's gone wrong with Missions & Evangelism
Just how did we get to the place where we seem to "sell" Jesus to unbelievers?
Why is most of the modern gospel message about what God will do for us instead of about His glory?
Why is it that some Christians are in love with God -- and others are in love with what He will do for them?
How is it that "some" Christians are willing to be martyred... while others are only willing to be "blessed" ?
Answers to these questions and more are explained in this amusing and insightful allegory.
Just in case some need the explanation -- the allegory is fully explained in the 2nd half of the book!
Price: $12
---------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 --------------------------------------
Why God's People Suffer
So, you've been suffering and wonder why?
You think God may not care... or isn't doing anything?
Your trials and tribulations seems greater than others... and you've got questions?
This little book has some big answers for you!
Pastor Dick Woodward has had more than his share of suffering too -- at least by human standards.
But, God sees it differently...
The insights to suffering given to Pastor Woodward are a great help for those who are facing difficult circumstances!
Price: $ 5
----------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 --------------------------------
You think God may not care... or isn't doing anything?
Your trials and tribulations seems greater than others... and you've got questions?
This little book has some big answers for you!
Pastor Dick Woodward has had more than his share of suffering too -- at least by human standards.
But, God sees it differently...
The insights to suffering given to Pastor Woodward are a great help for those who are facing difficult circumstances!
Price: $ 5
----------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 --------------------------------
This book is the foundation for UnveilinGlory’s seminar entitled “Unveiling Global Glory”- sometimes better known as "Top Line - Bottom Line" or "The Missing Half of Your Bible".
This is the book that will revolutionize how you see "missions". Here, you will discover that "missions" is not a New Testatment concept, it's a BIBLE concept - that it has ALWAYS been in the mind and heart of God, from the earliest pages of Scripture.
You'll never look at the Old Testament Bible stories the same way again... You'll see "missions" in the story of David and Goliath, Daniel and the lion's den, the 10 plagues in Egypt... and more!
I had always taught my Bible as 66 different books, written by many different men, over a long period of time and having many different themes running through it. That is a credible and accurate way to see your Bible - BUT, there's another way that is just as credible and just as accurate. That's to see your Bible as 1-book, with 1 Introduction, 1-Story and 1-conclusion.
This book has a track record of altering long-term dreams and goals. It's only for those who will be obedient to what God shows them.
The reader will find a new way of looking at Old Testament stories…and new reasons for each one being in the Bible and they will discover God’s hidden message and the single unifying theme woven throughout the Scriptures from Genesis to Revelation unveiling God’s plan and awakening us to be active participants in it.
Price: $ 12
------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ---------------------------------------
Unveiled At Last
This is the study guide to the book...
Filled with strategic questions and notes to help you get the most out of these lessons!
I highly recommended that each reader of the book... and viewer of the CD (The Story of the Bible) have their own copy.
Price: $6
--------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ---------------------------------------
For the SERIOUS Student...
This heavy-weight book is for those who are taking this study seriously.
These are the notes and guides to "The Story of the Bible" (Top Line - Bottom Line) material...
This is for those who want to know a better way/reason to do Missions!
This volume is filled with notes, pictures from the seminar and a 31-day Devotional to enhance what God is doing in your life as you begin to live for His glory.
This book will move you toward the goal of missions!
It will help you understand other people-groups, nations and tribes.
THIS is how you get the most out of this study!
Price: $20
These are the notes and guides to "The Story of the Bible" (Top Line - Bottom Line) material...
This is for those who want to know a better way/reason to do Missions!
This volume is filled with notes, pictures from the seminar and a 31-day Devotional to enhance what God is doing in your life as you begin to live for His glory.
This book will move you toward the goal of missions!
It will help you understand other people-groups, nations and tribes.
THIS is how you get the most out of this study!
Price: $20
------------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ----------------------------------
DVD of Top Line - Bottom Line
(aka - The Missing Half of the Bible)
This is a live-event with Dr Robison teaching the Top Line - Bottom Line material (also known as "The Story of the Bible").
These lessons will give you a new view and understanding of missions!
If you've done missions & evangelism because it's the Christian responsibility, our duty, our obligation, or so people don't go to hell -- Now you'll have better reasons, greater joy, more understanding and a more powerful motivation for both, missions and evangelism.
There's also a bonus 2nd hour of "The State of the World" address...
This material gives a broad view of what God is doing in the world and how the Kingdom is progressing... it also shows how much is left to be done!
Price: $10
These lessons will give you a new view and understanding of missions!
If you've done missions & evangelism because it's the Christian responsibility, our duty, our obligation, or so people don't go to hell -- Now you'll have better reasons, greater joy, more understanding and a more powerful motivation for both, missions and evangelism.
There's also a bonus 2nd hour of "The State of the World" address...
This material gives a broad view of what God is doing in the world and how the Kingdom is progressing... it also shows how much is left to be done!
Price: $10
------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ------------------------------------
Infobytes #1
13 Powerpoint Lessons on Missions - each one lasts only 3-minutes.
If you have a Missions "week" or "month" -- follow it up each week for a quarter of the year with a 3-minute missions lesson!
These lessons are geared for both young & old... each begins with children asking their dad about missions. The discussion and graphics answer questions that many people are afraid to ask...
"Where is missions in the Bible?"
"Is it safe to be a missionary?"
"Are missionaries NORMAL people?"
"What is a "people group?"
"Is the 2nd coming linked to reaching all nations?"... and more!
These are great for adding to your morning worship service... maybe play it during the offering... and give your church a "Missions Moment" each week! (Get Infobyte #2 and you can play a different lesson each week for half the year without repeating them!
Price: $15
If you have a Missions "week" or "month" -- follow it up each week for a quarter of the year with a 3-minute missions lesson!
These lessons are geared for both young & old... each begins with children asking their dad about missions. The discussion and graphics answer questions that many people are afraid to ask...
"Where is missions in the Bible?"
"Is it safe to be a missionary?"
"Are missionaries NORMAL people?"
"What is a "people group?"
"Is the 2nd coming linked to reaching all nations?"... and more!
These are great for adding to your morning worship service... maybe play it during the offering... and give your church a "Missions Moment" each week! (Get Infobyte #2 and you can play a different lesson each week for half the year without repeating them!
Price: $15
------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 -----------------------------------
Infobytes #2
13 more PowerPoint lessons - each one in 3-minutes!
This one focuses on Bible Translation and was made in conjunction with Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Lessons include the following --
Why Bible translastion?
Process of Bible translation.
Bible translation movement
Learning a langugage on the field.
Worship and Missions... and more!
Price: $15
This one focuses on Bible Translation and was made in conjunction with Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Lessons include the following --
Why Bible translastion?
Process of Bible translation.
Bible translation movement
Learning a langugage on the field.
Worship and Missions... and more!
Price: $15
----------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 -------------------------------------
Beginner's Guide to Spiritual Warfare
or - "If I'm A Soldier... Where's the War?"
Here's an easy-to-understand foundation for knowing that there IS a spiritual world that God describes very pointedly!
Each chapter is based entirely on Scripture and shows what's going on all around us - even though we don't see it!
Why doesn't God expel Satan from Earth now?
Why do we call Lucifer by the names "Satan" and "Devil"?
Discover the purpose and aim of a demon's life.
Follow the spiritual battles that have been played out through the ages as God and Satan
influence and shape world history.
Why were the two greatest battles given such a short review? -- One gets only 6 verses and
the other turns on only 1 word.
Discover the 4 keys to "overcome" the fiery darts of Satan.
Learn the 5 ingredients of "Working out your own salvation."
Learn 4 methods to "stop the leakage", so as to stay filled with the Holy Spirit.
Discover 7 reasons God will sometimes allow things to happen that HE DOES NOT WANT!
Price: $15
------------------------------------ Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ------------------------------------
Bible Basics - in 55 minutes!
This series includes 6 lessons (each is 55-minutes) covering great spans and books of the Bible.
Dr Robison brings 35-years of experience with "Walk Thru the Bible" and as a pastor and international ministry to share big sections of the Bible in a short amount of time!
The Old Testament in 55-minutes.
Genesis in 55-minutes.
All the Prophets in 55-minutes.
Isaiah in 55-minutes
All the Gospels in 55-minutes
The Book of Acts in 55-minutes.
3 DVD's containing many insights and great understanding to huge parts of the Bible.
Price: $20
-------------------------------------------------- Order by calling: (904) 874-6706 ----------------------------------------------